All Purpose Permission Slip

Here it is, folks. You asked for it, and now I am happy to be the messenger of your very own printable permission slip(s). Click on the image and print it off as often as you need in order to give yourself permission to do what feels good to you. You don't need to have a good reason to use it, you don't have to save it up, you don't even need permission – you can just give it to yourself!

I've also been given the authority to inform you that, today, you have universal permission to be nice to yourself. Call it a holiday. How about: "I F*ing DESERVE IT Day"? It's a special holiday, and like Easter, it moves around a lot – often, even showing up more than once in a calendar year. And like today, it demands to be celebrated. You've got no choice, really – you see, you F*ing Deserve IT.

So spend today being nice to yourself. Don't hesitate. Don't resist. Don't bother trying to weasel out of it. It's a holiday, so don't be a humbug, just enjoy yourself. In whatever grand or private manner suits you best, give yourself a little extra today, and be glad for your youness. You're worth your own gratitude and appreciation – maybe even worth an honest to goodness celebration – so don't hold back.

Go ahead... Have a delicious day. Happy I F*ing Deserve It Day!

And yes, if you need to, you can print out a permission slip for you to be able to celebrate the holiday today. You don't have to get your parents to sign it, though, you have permission to do that, too!


Be well.