Building the Super You: Recognizing Your Limitlessness

Ever thought of yourself as infinite before? How about all-knowing or all-powerful? Ever felt like you could make magic, heal sickness, or fly? What about when you were a kid?

Here's one of the many places where I think kids have got life figured out more than adults. They still have a grasp on the limitless power we humans have at our whim. Unfortunately, most children are raised by adults into "knowing better", and eventually forget just how incredibly capable they are. By the time they are adults, the concept of having anything more than average abilities has generally been coaxed or crushed out of them, like all the rest of us "grown-ups" – or more appropriately "ground-downs".

But we don't have to be worn out, mediocre yo-yos, lurched and jerked around helplessly by our circumstances. We don't have to be victims. And we don't have to be insignificant, either.

Coursing through each and every one of us is some of the most potent energy in the universe. If you could harness the human will, you could light every house on Earth. And if you could fill the sails of human potential, you could ride them to the other side of the cosmos (and back!).

What I mean to say is that we are powerful – each and every one of us. And so much so that we are even able to keep ourselves ignorant of our potency while simultaneously creating every aspect of our existence. We are even so powerful that we live whole lives here, manufacturing every moment we experience, and still die without knowing who or what we are. It takes a hell of a lot of magic to manifest a whole lifetime without ever letting on – even to yourself.

Still doubting that you're an all-powerful, all-knowing cosmic creator? Well check out some of these links to human "miracles" to remind yourself of just what we are all capable, and doing:

  • 1994 study that concludes the "placebo effect" often accounts for more than 1/3 of all positive reactions to treatment of any kind in which both practitioner and patient believe
  • Urban legend of Supermom lifting a car
  • One of many spontaneous remission of cancer stories
  • "When Fear makes us Superhuman"
  • The Yogi who Lived without Food or Water
  • And other People with Abilities Beyond Belief

After you've had enough of that, check out the documentary What If? the Movie for a full-on celebration of our human potential. You'll be amazed and inspired by what "ordinary" humans are doing.

The bottom line here is this: there is more to you than you have yet dared to believe. You are moving mountains everyday, you just haven't stopped long enough (yet) to notice what you're doing or able to do. So let me encourage you to look into what's possible, and then to dust off that beautiful imagination of yours and get serious about unleashing some of the potential you've been hoarding for so long.

Believe me, you aren't the only one who will benefit when you decide to own your power.


Be well.